Monday, May 31, 2010

Ch 2: Foraging the Streets of Seattle

Growing up we didn't go out to eat all that often as a family. It was a special treat for birthdays, some holidays and when we were given the occasional gift card.  These special dining out experiences were an important part of my development as far as food.  I really learned to cherish food and the pleasures it could offer. I was heavily influenced by my mother, who cannot tolerate mustard, spices and other strong flavors, but through much urging on my father's part I began trying new things. I still remember the first time I tried a raw oyster. I was about 12 or so and we were out to dinner at one of my favorite places back home, The Mainland Inn in Mainland, PA.  My father often got gift cards from clients for the restaurant and my parents were kind enough to take my sister and I along to dinner, being such well behaved children that we were.  The waiters and waitresses there took a liking to us and taught us the mysterious ways of gourmet napkin folding.  Back to the raw oyster, it was an experience I will never forget; the cold slimy little sea specimen swimming in some lemon juice with a hint of tabasco.  It went down pretty easily but I wasn't sure how I felt about it.  I don't think I really enjoyed it then, but it also could have been tainted by the face my mother made as I slid it down my throat. 

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